Stuff That Works Blog

five rules of facebook

5 Easy Tips For A Likeable Fan Page?

When creating a Facebook fan page, there are five Golden Rules that are “must do’s” in order to create an engaging, interesting, and active experience for your readers.  A fan page is not going to be successful if it is…

Avoid These 5 Blunders With Your Small Business Website

We’re continually reading help articles and getting advice on what we should do and just how we should get it done. That’s O.K. It will help us. It’s useful and necessary. However we sometimes all have to know what to…

What Is Social Media All About?

HOW CAN IT WORK FOR ME? I have been studying some online learning about social media and have come across some core principles that I thought I would share with you. Social media can be a lot of fun but…

Get More Customers With Facebook

I have been attending recently a lot of seminars on Social Media, Here are some tips that I would like to share with you bout Facebook. How you can really get more customers by using Facebook. It really is amazing!…

How To’s Of Web Design

Some small business owners plan to use their website to acquire customers or generate leads and expect it to act as a 24/7 sales person. Other business owners plan to use their website as more of a secondary marketing tool,…

Logo Design

Why Should I Have A Logo? Your logo says everything about your business. Nothing beats a great, professionally designed logo to establish a brand. Without a great logo, you have no identity with your business name. Identity is everything in…

SEO Basics

Is it the right company for my SEO on my web site? There are many search engine optimization companies out there to choose from, but how do you know which is the one for you. There is a very good…
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