Get More Customers With Facebook

I have been attending recently a lot of seminars on Social Media, Here are some tips that I would like to share with you bout Facebook. How you can really get more customers by using Facebook. It really is amazing!


Increasing the reach of your page by expanding your fan base is critical for business success on Facebook. The more people who ‘like’ your page, the bigger your reach across their network of friends. You may have 1000 fans, but they each have


Increasing the number of your Facebook fans isn’t enough to drive business results. You will need to convert these followers into leads by sending them to your landing pages where you can gather their contact information. You can achieve that by promoting popular offers and tailoring ads to specific segments of your audience.

If you are interested in a smaller set of more qualified leads for your product or service, you can adjust your ad settings to find this subset of people.


Leads are not the same as customers, though. Only a small percentage from your entire pool of Facebook leads will become customers. It’s your job to identify that group of people with the right marketing analytics and recreate their conversion path.


So you know what you want to accomplish. Now it’s time to make sure you have enough information about–and people within–your target demographic to do it. Because Facebook is a social network rich with demographic details about your audience, you can easily segment the market to reach the people that are exactly within your target demographic.

So what is stopping you from jumping on the band wagon with Facebook right now. With so many ways to promote your business it is a good alternative for your website. In future posts I will have a “How To” get a Facebook fan page. Please watch for it.

If you have a landing page for your Facebook page, even if you’ve already set one up before this post was published, I would love for you to leave a link to it here in the comment section of the blog. This way, we can all get inspired by everyone else’s landing pages and possibly earn the interest of some new fans for your page as well. No advertisements or descriptions necessary please, just a link and any comments about this post or how Facebook has helped your business grow.

Tell us a good experience you have had using Facebook for business? In your liking Fan pages, is there one Fan Page you like specifically?

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