Most Entrepreneurs Struggle With This…

Can’t see the forest through the trees? Most entrepreneurs struggle with this.

It doesn’t matter  the size of your company — if you fail to work on your

business instead of in it — prepare for disaster.


I use to work every breathing moment in my business but not stepping

back and working on it.  Once I started extending the vision and growing

it from a higher level. Magically things started to happen. I now take days

off  to get away from it and make that time productive to staying centered.

I can take time to meditate on thinking bigger and better whether it is personal or

business. Than in time, amazing things start to happen.


“We have all have been taught that greatness lives outside of us and we

need to rub up against it or import it so we can become great.

That’s exactly the opposite of how true greatness operates,” as Alan Cohen

states in many of his articles.


“Magnificence resides within all of us, and we need but tap into it and

bring it forth. We don’t need to brush with greatness; we need to simply

brush from greatness.”


Oh and one more thing, remember to be your awesome self!

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