Why Your Website Might Be A Failure!

Why Your Website Might Be A Failure!

I often get asked this question by my clients:
“I have this pretty website but I am not getting tons of traffic to it, how can I improve that?

My answer is always this:

“It’s time to start writing stellar content for your website and make yourself the expert in your business field. There is no magic in the website design that will miraculously build traffic to your website. I than elaborate that only content and working on your keywords will be the effective tool to start making your website have more credibility. The design of your website and your branding will than enhance your content and at that point you will start to get the traffic that you need.”

So Are You One Of These Guys?
Are you one of those online business owner’s who is not into writing? Do you know that free content in your website is what often spells success for your website and helps get you the vital traffic that you need to grow your business?

Awesome Website Entrepreneurs’ I Would Like You To Meet
Take a look at these two people on the internet that have great websites and they both are writing awesome material that has real value to their viewers.

Meet Pat Flynn:

Pat is one of the most successful entrepreneur’s that I know. He is the real deal. He has on his website over 70,000 people that have subscribed to his Smart Passive Income blog last time I checked. His strategy has been to base his content around “awesome content” (stuff that people reference to others and constantly come back to). He states often that he spends 8+ hours on a single post. Here is just one of Pat’s great pieces of content that I hope you will find valuable How to Really Profit From Your Blog.


Marie Forleo Meet Marie Forleo:

Marie is another rising star on the interent. Check out her website marieforleo.com. She started out mostly like the rest of us but one of things that took her content to a whole different level is her way that she distributes it through video which is a brilliant and different. Marie comes from a great marketing background and she knew that You Tube was an up and coming hot source to reckon with, so all her material is base on text and a video to enhance it and she has it on her blog as well as a graphically well designed video channel called Marie TV. She writes stellar content about starting a business and all the emotional stuff that get’s in the way to our success. Here is just a sample of some of Marie’s great works that I hope you will find as valuable as I do How To Get More Website Traffic.

So It All Boils Down To This

You may not want to write content but if you want to drive traffic to your site to promote your products or monetize your site, you need to have an awesome content that will lure readers to visit your website. It’s that simple.
If you are worried about having to write tons of content, don’t be. If you are just starting out, you don’t need to write a lot for your site. Two to three articles a month would suffice but you just have to ensure that your content comply with the following useful guidelines:

  • Write something unique and new but is of great interest to your targeted readers. You need to know what your readers want to read and write something worthwhile that can benefit them.
  • Regularly update your content to keep it abreast with the changing times.
  • Every page in your site should have sufficient content to attract viewers. This means it should contain at least 200 words or more. It is a good idea to make your pages keyword rich on your website
  • All your content should contain useful information to your readers and it should be always be free for them

If you are at a loss as to what good content is in relation to your site, just think about what you can impart to your readers that would be of great value to them. Think about their welfare, what they need and something that would be of great use to them. Think with their perspective instead of yours if you want to arouse their interest.

People will often be enticed by free information that motivates them to develop more, become something beyond what they are at present.
Good content enables your readers to take action because of what they read in your site. However, in order for your site to have good content, you must ensure first that the articles and information you have provided impact your reader in some emotional way that benefits them.

One way to entice the attention of readers is to make your content engaging to the point of influencing them to share the information they get in your site with others.



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