How To Grow An Email List In 5 Easy Steps

Mary Brown Design Online-Marketing

Well I want to be brutally honest hear,  building a list for your website can be hard work. It’s work that nobody really wants to do because it isn’t fun or exciting. You know I hear often with my clients that  everyone wants traffic to their website but know one seems to want to do the basic roll up the sleeves  type of grunt work that it really takes to be successful in online marketing. But it truly is what makes all the difference in the world to a successful website and one that is not successful.

Tip #1:  Consider using an opt in form on your website.

Opt in forms are are a sure fire way to convert opt in  conversions to your list.  There are several options for you depending on what you prefer. I have listed a few that I have have used and my clients use successfully.

Ad Impact

Hello Bar

Opt-In Skin

Tip# 2: Do Some Basic SEO On Your Pages Of  Your Website

I could write a book about SEO so I will keep this short to a few pointers for you.

a. Make a list of keywords  Without thinking about it too much, jot down the three or four ways you’d search for your website if you had to find it quickly. Ask your friends and family members the same question and tabulate the results. Chances are there will be some overlap, and you’ll quickly see which terms are more likely to be searched on first. Have this list handy when you start to make your titles of your pages and your definitions for each page.

b. All Website Pages Need To Have Titles.  Titles are keyword rich statements about you web page. If you have a wordpress website, I would suggest installing All in One SEO or the Yoast Plug in for SEO. Either are very good and easy to set up. If you have a different format like Joomia or Drupal, than you may have to hire a developer unless you know these programs well. There are a couple I would suggest for Joomia, Smart SEO and SEO Simple.

Tip #3  Dominate At Least One Social Media Platform.

Facebook would be a good start and make sure you have a good business page. If you are new to the Facebook or not sure how to build an audience with Facebook, I would suggest reading Amy Porterfield‘s blog or get one of her courses on how to set up your Facebook page correctly. She has great resources and is a good instructor.

Tip #4 Link Back on Other Websites For Testimonials.

One helpful tips is finding sites where you have used the product and give a testimonial on your experience with a link in the profile to your website. This works like a charm and it gives your site link backs.  Some examples, maybe you have purchased something on Amazon, or want to give a review on Macy’s.  Just make sure your profile gives the link to your website. It is called a two-for!

Tip #5 Call To Action On Your Website Posts Or Feature Sidebar.

Make sure you have some sort of call to action that takes your viewer to a blog post or a page with an offer and opt in form. This is critical to have on your website so you can build your list with the traffic that is coming to your website.

What are some link building strategies you have tried on your website?  Or Tell me the SPECIFIC insights you got from this information on “how to grow your email list”.


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